Do any of these sound familiar?

- You realised you’ve dedicated your entire life to a career that no longer feels ‘yours’... but you feel too comfortable with your seniority and pay to do anything about it!
- By the end of the work week, you’re physically and emotionally drained. You basically live for the weekend or - worse - retirement
- You yearn for more freedom and flexibility, but you can’t see it happening with your current career. In fact, you don’t even feel in control of your own agenda, most of the time!
- You’re already mid-career or have reached a senior position, so you worry that changing paths would mean wasting everything you’ve built and worked on so far
- You can't figure out if you have a passion that can be turned into a profitable side hustle...
- You often dream of becoming your own boss and working purposefully but have absolutely no idea on how to get started
- … or, if you have some ideas, your family and friends have already made you feel like it’d be crazy to quit your ‘successful’ job for them
- Coming up with a side hustle that’s actually profitable sounds too difficult and overwhelming. Plus, deep down, you don’t think you’re cut out to run your own business. So, you keep telling yourself that you should accept your stagnating and dissatisfying career because “that’s just how life is”

There are two reasons why I know all this:
- That’s what I hear from my clients all the time before they start my side hustle course and coaching programme
- Years ago, I used to feel that way, too
From unfulfilled corporate pawn to intentional Queen of Your Hustle

Through most of my thirties, I was still trapped in a career that might have looked glamorous from the outside but just didn’t make me feel happy or fulfilled. I had lost control over my free time, direction, and – let’s face it – life.
When I realised I wanted to start a side hustle and eventually become my own boss, I had your same voice in my head. You know, the one telling us there was no way we could do that without sacrificing our pay or taking a reckless risk.
And guess what?
- I did it! I started what eventually turned into UnlockYourBlock as a side hustle when I was still holding a C-suite role at one of the top global advertising networks. Whilst building a portfolio career, I finally became in charge of my own time, agenda, and path
- My clients keep doing it! Just to name a few, Felicia went from working as an account director in media to rediscovering herself as an interior designer, and Paulina became a successful feng shui consultant whilst holding a stressful marketing job in the pharmaceutical industry
- There’s NO reason why you can’t do the same!
I know why you’re still doubting yourself: in the corporate world, women are often made to feel like we’re not good enough.
We keep seeing our male counterparts get paid more or be promoted faster. We work hard but don’t always get enough in return. We’re branded as greedy when we’re ambitious.
But it’s the corporate system that needs fixing, not us!
So, I’m telling you: you can find your own definition of success, turn it into your day-to-day reality, and become the Queen of My Hustle.
And no, unless you suddenly decide to become a doctor or lawyer, you won’t need to ‘waste’ your experience or spend years retraining. No eye-watering pay cuts, either.
Not when you rely on my side hustle course, proprietary method, and coaching, at least.

This side hustle course and coaching programme is your ticket out of corporate
“How can I find something I’m passionate about without pay cuts or years of retraining?”
If it sounds too good to be true, discover exactly how it works in practice and how my side hustle course and coaching changed the life of these inspiring clients of mine. Watch this short video and read on.
Side Hustle Launchpad™ – The side hustle course to get there in 10 weeks and thrive
I know that quitting your job and safety net to start an entrepreneurial journey is nothing short of terrifying. That’s why you won’t be doing that. Phew.
Plus, going all-in is so last decade! Instead, you’ll have a smoother, gradual transition.
With this side hustle course, you’ll get my step-by-step guidance to create a safe, stable, and scalable business whilst keeping your day job (for now, at least).

1. PLANNING – Clarity, vision, and finding your purpose
No point leaving your unfulfilling position for a business that also doesn’t match your own definition of success!
So, we’ll first identify your actual goals and passions as well as how we can harness your existing skillset and corporate experience.
The aim of this stage is to get crystal clear on exactly what type of side hustle will make you feel fulfilled, is in demand, and allows you to match your financial goals.
No clue as to what that new project should look like for you? Don’t worry: we’ll figure it out together.
2. VALIDATING – Your first sale or case study
I know there’ll still be that part of your brain telling you that “you can’t make this work.”
So, to shut it up (and be 100% sure that you’re investing your time, money, and energy in the right direction), we’ll get some proof.
Depending on the focus of your side hustle, we’ll work together on closing your first sale or creating a case study. That way, you get to test your new business before launching it.
I’ll also show you exactly how you can work on your side hustle while keeping your day job for the time being (without burning out).

3. LAUNCH – Bringing your side hustle to life (and keeping it alive)
What are you doing 10 weeks from now? Well, clear up your diary because I’m telling you: you’ll be launching your side business.
Yes, for real.
But learning to get started isn’t enough. With this side hustle course, I’ll also teach you how to maintain this new business and grow it sustainably.
That way, you’ll be able to replace your current income and quit the corporate world within only 12 months, if you realise that’s what you wish.
So, what’s included in the Side Hustle Launchpad?

- Guided self-learning programme of 10 weeks (inc. 2 of content break to catch-up)
- Featuring video recordings broken up into short modules to fit your busy schedule
- Downloadable bonuses (workbooks, templates, and checklists) to remove all the guesswork and keep you on track
- Covering both your outer game (business strategies and tactics) and inner game (building an entrepreneurial mindset)

- 10 group Q&As to have all your doubts and questions answered
- 8 learning sessions focusing on mindset and business development with a practical approach. That way, you’ll keep on progressing quickly and steadily
- Of course, you’ll get a recording if you can’t make it to a session. However, joining them live is priceless, and so is sharing your struggles and victories with a group of like-minded women on a similar mission!

- 2 milestone sessions to focus on unlocking your blocks
- From deeply rooted limiting beliefs to practical problems, we’ll tackle them together to achieve the best-possible breakthroughs fast and confidently
- Continuous email access to me for the entire 10 weeks
Basically, the Side Hustle Launchpad gives you the freedom of becoming your own boss while getting employer-like support.
And, if you realise that this side hustle course isn’t right for you within the first 2 weeks, you get all your money back. So, really, you have nothing to lose.
Here’s what you will gain, though.
Fast-forward 10 weeks…

- You’ve finally found a new path and your own definition of success, and you’re actively working towards them
- You can feel the difference between how drained you used to be after your day job and how energised you are now that you can dedicate yourself to an exciting side hustle
- You’re confident you’ll become your own boss in a year because you have an actionable plan to get there
- You’ve ditched your initial limiting belief (“that’s just how life is"). Instead, you’ve taken full control of both your career and life. You’re now in the driver’s seat!
Yes, this can really happen to you.
But, if you keep wasting time looking for conflicting free information and random side hustle ideas, when and how are you going to begin?
It’s time to invest in yourself to turn that 10-week vision into your day-to-day reality.
Let’s start with a free, no-obligation chat that focuses on you alone.
We’ll talk about getting a clear vision and starting a side gig even if you have zero ideas right now. As well as figuring out whether this side hustle course would be the right choice for you, we’ll begin to figure out what blocks are holding you back and come up with a personalised action plan.